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Old Mon Jan 29, 2001, 06:24pm
Bradley Batt Bradley Batt is offline
Join Date: Aug 1999
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The thread on the Out-of-control Player who sucker punched the official is here:

co2ice: I think that you did the right thing - although I would probably not even have a conversation with her. The first thing that I say to anyone who wants to approach me is "Get away from me."

I had a woman approach me at half-time of a game and said, "Can I tell you something?" - I immediately replied "NO.", but she proceeded to tell me how we were the best officials that she had seen all year, etc. I smiled and asked her what team her son played for (obvious that she was a mom). She told me and we went about our business.

Anyway, during the end of the 3rd / beginning of 4th quarter I start hearing someone yelling from the stands like crazy. Out of the corner of my eyes I can see that it is her. Of course, I don't need to tell you that her team was up at half-time and was now losing.

After the game I *had* to walk right by her to get out of the gym. I knew there was going to be a confrontation, so I nicely said, "Changed your mind, didn't you?" At that point she let out an unrepeatable barage of comments calling me a cheater and everything else!

Moral of the story: Fans are idiots. Even the (seemingly) nice ones.

[Edited by Brad on Feb 25th, 2006 at 08:23 PM]
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