Originally posted by Dan_ref
Not that I don't believe your husband, but are you telling us this coach moved himself such that he somehow was able to interfere with a player's valiant attempt to save the ball from going OOB? 3 or 4 tmes? And the player or her own coach didn't complain? Loudly?
Or are you saying that the coach just happened to be where the ball was going to go OOB. 3 or 4 times. And the player or her own coach didn't complain. Loudly.
The opposing coach spent most of his time after the first quarter with his head down writing something on a clipboard. And I don't think it was the same player each time, although I don't know why they would n't complain.
The part I don't understand is that my partner never saw it. And he tends to be a little confrontational, so I doubt he'd have let it go.
Okay, so maybe it didn't happen the way my husband saw it. The question is, what would it be if I saw it down the road sometime?