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Old Tue Jan 20, 2004, 02:52am
ronald ronald is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 746
I was reading some of the comments on the other posts about whether officials call games differently in the playoffs or not and have to wonder about the Indianappolis-NE game. I only saw the last two minutes of the game and for the life of me can not understand how they could blow two obvious holding or pass interference calls on Indy's last drive. Later, on ESPN I saw one of the CB's drive a receiver out of bounds. He made contact and the line and kept contact for about 8 yards. I see no comments on this aspect of the game so I am wondering how you football officials saw those three plays. To me they were clear as day and should have been called. In basketball, we might saw the ref put his whistle away on a last second shot. Personally, I think they blew it big time. Thanks.
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