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Old Thu Jan 15, 2004, 01:58pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: On the border
Posts: 30,533
Re: Re: Yes, yes, yes, yes, and YES!!!!

Originally posted by davidw
So this 'well thought of official' would recommend what (?) for officials to improve themselves, nothing? Did he offer some alternatives?
Most officials I know never come here or to any internet site to become a better official. Let us make that clear. But that is what camps, publications, officiating socials, talking to your mentor, watching veteran officials, watching less experienced officials, watching TV games are all for. I personally do not know many officials that have reached the "big time" did so by coming here on their way to the top. He did not suggest that himself, but if others learned officiating by other sources, I am sure we all could do it if we had to. But most of the things I have learned in officiating, had nothing to do with this board. And I have been on the internet almost as long as my career.[/B][/QUOTE]

Originally posted by davidw

I like your approach JR, which I think most of us do, which is to use some pretty good 'filters' many times. I wish we had this forum available in my early years. Just another tool to use, which, like any other tool can be used properly or not.
I agree this is a great place. But I cannot go back to my assignors or fellow officials and associations and reference people here that have no credibility in the area I live. Or with all due respect those here that live in my back yard, when they (including myself here) do not have the same level of respect and admiration that certain officials do where I live. I would hope anyone that reads my post does not go back to their place and quote me on what it takes to officiate. You might get shot or hung like I would if I did the same. But this can be a great place to vent, see what guys across the country are doing and see if others agree with your interpretation of the rules and mechanics, but you still have to filter that information.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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