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Old Sun Jan 28, 2001, 01:40pm
mick mick is offline
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Originally posted by refjef40
Something in one of the threads about coaches made me think of something strange that happened early last season.This was just a jv boys game pre-league at that.I was the lead following a fast break down the court with my partner still in the backcourt.Player "A" went up for a lay up and was fouled as a started to blow my whistle I heard my partner blow his whistle in the backcourt just before my whistle.I got with my partner and he said he had a "T" on "Bs" coach.My partner said the coach was out of the coaching box and complaining so administered the "T" and the foul with no more problems.Afterwards the coach sent a one page typed letter to my house and my partner's house explaining in detail how he had watched tape of the game and how he said he was not out of the box when the "T" was called.We took the letter to our instructional chair and he was livid!I just wondered if anything like this ever happened to anyone else?
Was it written with crayons?
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