Thread: Meetings?
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Old Wed Jan 14, 2004, 10:49am
RILAX RILAX is offline
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My org starts a training session for first year officials (although anyone can go) in February. There are about four weeks of that with one session a week. The first general meeting is in March and that happens before any Varsity games although there may be scrimmages before that. We go fairly late it seems before all the high school stuff gets done (i.e. late May early June from what I remember).

I will be doing at least some varsity; hopefully a lot of varsity but that depend on when I can pick up a real job and what hours etc that will be. I also do a fair amount of JV and youth but I will be looking to get away from youth. I don’t mind doing the youth games but they can never get strait when/where etc about the games.
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