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Old Mon Jan 12, 2004, 04:59pm
WeekendRef WeekendRef is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 96
Gentleman (and lady),
I have enjoyed reading your emails for the past few weeks so much that I have officially decided to join instead of being a bystander . I just stumbled onto this site when I "asked Jeeves" for a basketball officials site so I might purchase a shirt for the upcoming season and lo and behold look what I came up with . I have been officiating for 13 years now doing various Mens leagues and 8th Grade boys Rec games but I have never made the leap to become certified mainly because I didn't need to considering the caliber of ball I have been doing . My job also does not allow me the flexibility to do High School (and possibly college ball) as I would eventuallly like to do so I get my fix doing what I can on the weekends , ergo my UserName .
I have two questions I was hoping somebody might be able to help me with :
1) is it possible to get certified this late in the year in Connecticut or is the test administered only once a year .
2)A question that I am sure has been asked but it came up last night and I am not sure if I got it right (I sheepishly admit I don't own a rulebook). Team A inbounds the ball under their basket...and while passing the ball in he delivers a bounce pass that bounces out of bounds before being caught by his teamate (Teamate of course puts it in the hoop for a basket). Is this a violation ???? Not really sure if I got it right but I did "sell" it well enough to mollify the coach .
Thanks ,
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