Thread: appeal question
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Old Fri Jan 09, 2004, 06:09pm
Panda Bear Panda Bear is offline
In Time Out
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 69
Bethsdad's description under LL rules is correct. Under LL rules, all levels, this apeal must be made with the ball in play. Either don't request time, or if time is called for whatever reason, after the ball is placed back in play, appeal at the base.

This is another case where not all sanctions have the same rule, and I don't know why in this specific case.

I would like all to agree on this (and as many others as possible), as it saves confusion for players, coaches, and umpires that may cross sanctions. (In my area, that is a good percentage of those involved.)

Don't personally care which way it goes, just want consistancy. In this case, since LL seems to be the odd one out, it would probably make sense if they were the one to change. (Lots of Luck.)
Panda Bear
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