Fri Jan 09, 2004, 09:50am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 1,050
Originally posted by rainmaker
I've never cleaned a whistle in my five years of reffing, and I've had far fewer colds, and flu per year than any time n my life. However, I was very "detail-oriented" about my children's pacifiers -- at least the first child. So in that vein, I'll quote my favorite item of "Mother's Lore":
When the first child drops her binky, you put it in the dishwasher and get a clean one out of the drawer to give her.
When the second child drops his binky, you rinse it under the tap, and give it back.
When the third child drops her binky, you lick it off and give it back.
And when the fourth child drops his binky, you think, "Gee, I hope he finds it!"
Been there, done that.