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Old Wed Jan 07, 2004, 10:57am
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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Originally posted by Back In The Saddle
A friend suggested to me recently that whenever he takes the floor, he wants to be recognized as the guy you go to if there's a problem--the guy who'll get it done, and done right. (apologies to my friend for so badly paraphrasing him) Well, today, for a brief 32 minutes, I was that guy and it felt great!!!
Ray -- Hold onto that feeling! You deserve the pat on the back, and you are right to take it to heart. Congratulations!

Be sure to "bookmark" the place in your brain where you were standing. It's "The Zone," so to speak. Try to get back there before every game. You won't make it every time, but you should be able to hit it more and more often.

Great Job!

[Edited by rainmaker on Jan 7th, 2004 at 10:02 AM]
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