At one of our association meetings last year we were told of a situation that the officials were not aware of until after the games were over. Two JV games going on simultaneously in 2 gyms. One of the boys JV coaches was ejected from his game during the 2nd quarter. He went next door to watch the girls JV game. Then the girls JV coach was ejected in the 3rd quarter of her game. The boys coach then went down to the girls bench as an ass't. The girls coach then went over the boys game as an ass't. Like I said, no one knew what was going on until after the games were over and all 4 officials were in the locker room talking. We had a long discussion on whether this was allowed or not. Finally, we ended up agreeing that an ejected coach is only ejected from HIS game. If he wants to watch or assisst in another game next door, then we have no jurisdiction over the other game.
I would have never thought of this happening if it wouldn't have been brought up in our meeting.