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Old Wed Jan 07, 2004, 05:36am
SMEngmann SMEngmann is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 423
As a second year official, I can relate well to your post. I have been assigned as the R several times already with inexperienced partners and I find those games at least as useful as games in which I work with an established vet or I get evaluated. Those games have strengthened my game management skills considerably as I know that if I'm not on top of my game, especially in terms of dead-ball officiating, that the game probably won't run smoothly. Also, with less experienced partners, I find that I'm most likely to have a meaningful pregame with them and to effectively take care of business than with an experienced ref, not always though. Often dealing with "the veterans" can be tough as they give the "rookie pregame" and some dramatically expand their court coverage early, not trusting me because they haven't worked with me. While most vets can give valuable feedback, occasionally they can come off as unapproachable or as know it alls.
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