I had a game last night with a team in our association and an out of state team. I am a well respected official in
our association and I officiate college, so I rarely have any problems out of any coaches in our association. I have gained their respect over the years.
Here's the deal... I'm a female and I'm young (25) and it
seemed like the out of state coach and/or fans were always
on me regardless of how the call went. I was calling with two guys who never received the abuse I did even when a call went against this team.
I guess I had just forgotten how coaches sometimes pick a crew memeber they 'think' they can try to work. Well, needless to say, one technical later, I didn't have this problem the rest of the night.
My crew members thought it was hilarious. They said,
he obviously doesn't know you very well, but I think he understands now.
Anyone else ever have this?