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Old Tue Jan 06, 2004, 01:26pm
mikesears mikesears is offline
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Originally posted by Bob M.
Originally posted by BktBallRef
Although it doesn't effect the call, he really wasn't tucking the ball. It was a pump fake that slipped out o his hand.
REPLY: In that case, I would have ruled it an incomplete pass for both Fed and NCAA since his arm/hand was still moving in a passing motion. Only if he had given up on the pass and was pulling the ball back into his body to remain a runner, would I have ruled it a fumble.
If this is the same play the others are talking about, let me try to give a description. It wasN'T like the Tom Brady fumble a couple of years ago. Hassleback's arm was moving forward in an attempt to pass. It looked like he had second thoughts and tried to stop from throwing the ball but the ball come out of his hand as it was moving forward.

Just my two cents, but to me, at ANY level, it would have been called an incomplete pass.
Mike Sears
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