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Old Sun Jan 04, 2004, 01:26am
DeltaRef DeltaRef is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 9
So you observe the offense, player A, with his hands pushing on the back of the defense, player B?

The way I understand the rule is that unless you obseve the actual original contact, then you did not see a penalty.

Because, if the original contact by the offense, is inside of the defenders frame, and the defender turns to chase the ball, but original contact has been maintained by the offense, then the block can legally continue, even though it is now in the back.

Or, as I have observed in little league, a defender will turn his back to an offensive player just as the block is being made. Why did he turn? I don't know, but it happens all of the time. No penalty here either.

So my question is, don't we have to see initial contact to know whether or not the contact is illegal?

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