strange to see your all still shocked when a player get`s a card when he uses bad language. except in the case of mumbling
i take it your all from the US and that gives me the idea you run behind when it comes to proffesional ``soccer``
(i prefer the official word Football)
at first when you had a big mouth they tolerated a bit. but since a few years the ref`s have had specific orders to be more strict. which are a welcome relief on the fields. the number of injuries. red cards and on field fights have reduced sicnifficantly.
the players also have to stop whining about those rules. if the players would all have their way the game would be more like rugby.
i myself am a true AFC Ajax fan and i like the way they play. they aren`t rich and yet are the tone in european football.. i`m glad to see several american teams were wise enough to be sister teams with it
before i make a mistake i don`t make that mistake