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Old Thu Dec 16, 1999, 04:06pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by tonycap on 12-16-1999 02:02 PM
Ok - I know this is going to sound strange, but.... Is there a combined height limitiation of the 5 players on the court at one time? The height being 35ft! Yup that's 5 - 7 footers. If any one has any comments on this one I would really appreciate it. I can't find any documentation to discredit it but I find it hard to believe.

no insults - please.

Yes. And for HS ball, there's a minimum, too. If the five players don't add up to 350" (that's an average of 5' 10") for boys or 325" (5' 5") for girls, then the team is allowed to have a sixth player on the court, if the coach notifies the officials and the opposing coach at the time the linups are put into the book (10 minutes before game time). This extra person must wear a contrasting jersey (similar to a soccer goalie requirement) and must stay in 3-point territory on each side of the court.

Also, Santa is coming for a visit next week.
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