Honestly, I'm not really sure, but I think that the rule for coaches and athletes is that you can't bet on any games in the sport that you play or coach. In other words, Neuheisel's (sp?) problem was not that he was in a pool, but that it was a football pool, and he's a football coach. If he'd made a couple bets on basketball action, I think he would've been ok.
D1 officials get a pretty good pre-season talking-to about gambling in general. I'm pretty sure that NCAA tournament officials have to agree to undergo a background check. Even with all that said, CBOA's season-end banquet was held at Foxwoods Resort & Casino the last couple years. So there can't be any prohibition against gambling. Just stern warnings about not getting in over your head?
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!