Originally posted by jr
wow..i didn't think the post would get this much heat...
i would do it again, when the situation warranted...
i am an experienced official. i would not just MAKE UP a call, but if the call needed to be made, and i could stick it to the fan and the player, i would do it in a heartbeat...
I'm not sure what reaction you expected. I have a couple of questions to clarify this. Did you make a call that you wouldn't otherwise have made? Example, #34 made some contact that you normally judge incidental but this time called just to show Dad who's boss? Slightly different than making up a call, but only slightly. Secondly, did Dad see you "slyly pointing" at him? If so, now he has the (understandable) impression that you made something up to stick it to him.
Really, I see this as a bush league official on a power trip.