Thread: Nice Combacks
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Old Tue Dec 30, 2003, 08:39pm
Jesse James Jesse James is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 201
Years ago, I was working a boys game-team grabs a defensive board, and throws a half-court bullet outlet toward the sideline. Ball, receiver, and defender all converge while I'm scrambling to get out of the way. Defender absolutely hammers receiver, and my partner who sees I'm more concerned for my life than blowing a whistle, taps the foul. Coach goes ballistic, "Dave, you can't see that far! 50 feet away! You can't see that far!" Over and over. Partner (excellent veteran official nearing the end of his career) reports foul, wheels around and says, "Ya know coach, on a clear day I can see the sun, and that ### #### thing is 93 million miles away-Sit down!"

It put the coach away for the night.
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