Tue Dec 30, 2003, 06:20pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Dallas
Posts: 139
Ok--do I have permission to use these? LOL!
Originally posted by rainmaker
If we only had the search function...
If you're bored one evening, you can page back manually through the old threads and look for "Davisms". Or did someone say Google works for this?
Had one the other day, (I thought it, not said it):
Fan: Ref, what game are you watching?
Me: Is this a multiple choice question?
My bedridden sister got a laugh when I told her this old Mark Padgett favorite:
Player, after a time-out: Ref, whose ball is it?
Smart-aleck ref, rotating ball: Looks like it belongs to a kid named Wilson.
And my personal favorite:
Coach (handing glasses): Ref, do you want to borrow these?
Ref: They're not helping you any!