Thread: Nice Combacks
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Old Mon Dec 29, 2003, 08:33pm
ref18 ref18 is offline
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My vision isn't the greatest but its pretty good, i wear them during the warm-up period to check for illegal items that are being worn, (earring, bracelets, hairclips, etc) The main reason i take them off, is because i was doing a game, and there was something about the conditions in the gym that were causing them to fog up like mad. I couldn't see through them, and when i cleaned them in a minute, i'd need to clean them again. So I took them off, and placed them on the scorers table while i was running by it. The coach of the loosing team lost it one me. Saying that i didn't want to watch the game, and i wasn't calling it both ways, etc. I t'd him up, that shut him up.
If i call the whole game without them, I don't have a coach freaking at me for taking them off before the game starts.
When coaches have screamed at me, they've never mentioned the fact that i removed my glasses prior to the start of the game.
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