Originally posted by Mregor
i worked a youth Holiday tournament this weekend. I believe it was a 7th grade game. Losing coach comes up to us after the game and says it is the worst officiating he has ever seen. My reply was: "You think that was bad, you should have seen me 5 years ago". He just looked confused and walked away.
Thank you Arizona! (I know this is the basketball thread, just couldn't resist)
While we're telling stories about this tournament, let me add mine (since I believe we might be talking about the same tournament). Let me tell you, the basketball certainly wasn't very good.
I worked three games on Saturday afternoon. Only one coach got on my nerves -- this was a guy who couldn't get my attention to call a time out while I was reporting a foul. Now, I'm pretty sensitive to substitutes and coaches asking for timeouts.
Anyhow, I report a foul and head over to the trail position for 2 free throws. After the shooter has the ball, I notice the coach with his hands in a timeout signal. I tell him he can have it right after the first throw.
This is when he tells me he "still wants it" from when I was over at the table. I tell him he can have it after the first throw, but he needs to do a better job getting an official's attention if he wants a timeout. He then argues that the TABLE knew he wanted one. I guess maybe this was the wrong time to laugh, but I just couldn't help myself.
So we have a timeout. During this timeout, I think of a few snappy little comebacks that would NOT have gone over well:
(1) On the table knowing the coach wanted a timeout: "We forgot to bring whistles for them. Sorry."
(2) On the fan who (according to my wife who suffered through three of these games) called me a moron after the clock stopped working (with us continuing until the horn went off) and wondered what game I was watching: "Unfortunately this one -- there were no good ones to watch this afternoon."
My games consisted of sixth and seventh graders, and I have the utmost respect for those people that work these games consistently. I can't do it. The money is good and the games are easy to work, but I just can't handle the parents and coaches that, for the most part, mellow out in the five years between these games and when I see them on Friday nights.