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Old Sun Dec 28, 2003, 12:18pm
rcwilco rcwilco is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: clinton, utah
Posts: 244
Had a game the other night where in our pregame the two of us found out that we were very different on T's and what we tolerated from coaches. He tells me how many T's he has already given in December and it was quite a few. We decided that unless certain lines were crossed that we both agreed to (per our discussion) we would talk before T's. Then when we talk to the coaches he all of a sudden tells the coaches that they are only allowed one foot out of the box and if he sees both feet out it is an immediate T. I'm wondering where this came from after our pregame talk on this very issue? Then in the first quarter, after he calls two travels on the visisting team we came back down and with me as trail in front of the visisitng bench they steal the ball and travel. He calls it, his area, a good call and the vising coach stands up, stays in the box, and says "Another travel, come on" and sits down. He does not even yell it, thorw up his hands or anything. My partner getting ready to administer the throw in gets this "look" on his face and starts walking from the other side of the court towards me and the visiting coach. I intercepted him at the free throw line and ask what is going on. He tells me that he is coming over to T the coach. I told him that I will take care of the bench when I am standing by them. I sent him back but spent the game trying to keep him under control and to not call T's on the coaches for what I felt were pretty innocuos statements. There was no languagge, inciting the fans, etc from the coaches.
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