Metal cleats are not allowed in FED football.
There is no designation for "play" in FED. Actually, it refers to scrimmage down, kicks, etc. It's a moot point, because the youth league makes its own rules.
The league your son plays in is run by morons. Five plays! Ridiculous. 6-8 years old is a learning time. No scores should be kept, or personal stats. Too many fathers live their football 'careers' vicariously through their children.
I officiated football for 20 years, and found MOST youth coaches have no clue on how to work with children, or to properly coach fundamentals. They're only interested in winning. And to making their sons, and their assistants' sons, "stars". I guarantee you, their kids get MAXIMUM playing time.
The league my oldest grandson had a minimum of SEVEN plays. The uncle of one of his teammates and I became friendly, and deplored this minimum rule. We decided to keep count at two of the games. There were about 100 "plays" in each game. That's 7% minimum playing time. It's gabage like this that turn kids away from youth sports, especially football. And is responsible for the rise of yoputh soccer. The league in my area REQUIRES a participant to play AT LEAST two quarters each game.
By the way, any parent who allows their child to participate in a program such as you describe is as bad as the coaches and league directors. Don't whine here. Get together, and DEMAND the league changes its policies. Your kids are not learning, and not having fun. If the parents of the kids getting shafted pull out, the league will fold for lack of participants, or change their ways.