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Old Wed Dec 24, 2003, 10:36pm
RookieDude RookieDude is offline
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Originally posted by Jurassic Referee


What would you call in the sitch that I outlined above(the kinda similar one)? T for delay plus something in addition for the lay-up? If the player hadda dunked the ball instead of laying it up, would you call it then? Penalty for practising during a dead ball?

Just wondering what you or other officials might call.
Nah...just one T for unsportsmanlike conduct.

If I ask a player to hand me the ball THREE TIMES and he ignores me...he has commited an unsportsmanlike act before the delay. I probably would have whacked him on the second request for the ball.

BTW, how many of you officials go running for the ball when it is dead? I usually have a player go chase it...same goes if they put the ball on the ground after a violation...I have them pick the ball up and hand it to me. I tell them I'm getting to old to chase the ball around...usually works, and it shows more respect for the officials.

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