Originally posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
Agree, Mark. I just posting a what-if.I wanted to know if anybody would make a practising-during-a-dead-ball call in addition to the player T, and also what is the penalty for the illegal practising if it is called.
Actually, I asked because this reminded me of a call that you said that you once made. To wit, the one where a player jumped off a teammate's back and then dunked the ball. I believe that your call was a T for climbing on or lifting a teammate, followed by another T for dunking a dead ball. The play above is somewhat similar. [/B][/QUOTE]
I remember that play you are talking about. I issued three T's acutally. One to the player who lifted his teammate up and two to his teammate, for climbing on his teammate's back and for dunking a dead ball. By rule these were the correct calls, but the important thing to remember is that this was not in a H.S. or college game or even in an AAU or YBOA national championship tournament. The game was in a quailifying tournament to the Ohio Games (an Olympic style summer tournament). The players' team was getting blown out, its coach had already received a T for being a jerk, other players had received T's for unsportsmanlike conduct, and there was only a minute left in the game. A completely different situation from a "real" game.
What would you call in the sitch that I outlined above(the kinda similar one)? T for delay plus something in addition for the lay-up? If the player hadda dunked the ball instead of laying it up, would you call it then? Penalty for practising during a dead ball?
Just wondering what you or other officials might call.