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Old Mon Dec 22, 2003, 06:14pm
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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Re: Get more information

Originally posted by David B
Originally posted by Luv4Asian8
After each association game that I do, I write myself up a self-evaluation. Since Day 1, under my "Weaknesses" and "Want to Work on Next Game", I have been writing "positioning." I have been told that I'm missing quite a few fouls, maybe even some OOB violations. Someone said that I should have somebody film me while I work, but am unable to do so. Any other suggestions to help cross off this nagging item from my list???
You can't film yourself, but you can get the person telling you your out of position to tell you exactly which situation he was talking about. It's hard to talk about positioning without referring to a particular situation.

If you're missing out of bounds stuff then it might be because you're too close to the action I would guess.

Back up and give yourself some room. Then allow yourself to have a larger view of the action.

Good luck

Luv4Asian8 -- Think angle. Then decide to move too much. If you start out moving not enough, and then over compensate, you can start to understand where the balance point is. The way to find it is to choose a pair or two of players, and keep the line of sight between them at all times. This means you move as much as they do, but you can always see what's happening. If you think you're getting the angle, but you're not moving, open your mind to the possibilibty that there's a better angle available. When I went through this thought process, it really helped a lot, and I don't hear this criticism anymore.

Good luck!
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