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Old Mon Dec 22, 2003, 12:03pm
A Pennsylvania Coach A Pennsylvania Coach is offline
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Posts: 690
Granted, this part of the game is very different from boys to girls. However, I teach my girls to not worry about getting a shot blocked, because:

half the time it will be a foul;

and half of the times it isn't a foul, it will go out of bounds;

and half of the times it doesn't go out, we will get the loose ball.

So 7 out of 8 block attempts (very simplistically) by the defense turn out not to hurt us. For the same reason, we try not to "block" a lot of shots, but to challenge shots and stay in good rebounding position.

My point is that shot-blocking is overrated.

[Edited by A Pennsylvania Coach on Dec 22nd, 2003 at 11:05 AM]
Things turn out best for people who make the best of the way things turn out.
-- John Wooden
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