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Old Mon Dec 22, 2003, 09:39am
mick mick is offline
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Location: Houghton, U.P., Michigan
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Originally posted by tutall
mick - i am having a lot of fun, thats not the problem

just another - the other guy is getting most of the minutes for a couple reasons.... first, we have not played any big teams yet so all they have are little quick guys and i am 6'5" 230 so it isnt easy for me to keep up... in the games where they have a big guy i usually play most of the game. plus, the other guy is te starting quarterback and his dad is a big shot in town and politics at angola high school play a huge part in everything. Im not saying he isnt good but... i have had maybe 10 fouls all together but at least most of them are on blocks. one more minor reason is i just moved here last year and am still trying to get the hang of their system. they have totally different philosophies on defense especially. my last school we didnt believe in defense.... it was let them score so we could get the ball back sooner.
Get in shape. Get in the game. I was an almost-6'-0" quick guy that hated to see 6'5" Big Guys. And, it isn't one man you gotta beat out in order to start, ... it's 4! And, quit worrying about politics.

Ask the coach watcha gotta do, then do it! Practice harder. Get serious. Run faster (Get off your heels and onto those toes). Hit the floor for loose balls. Coaches love that! And smile while you are doing it. No poutin'. Be ready, be serious, and go to work.

Playing no defense in your former school could be the reason you are fouling more. If a team doesn't play "D" the refs have an easy time of it.
When you swat a ball, do not contact your opponent with the follow-through. When you go up to swat, aim at the spot the ball is going to be, well off the hand and higher than the shooter's hand. What you will be doing is eliminating the close-call question by creating space.

If you have the ups, a flying hand is gonna disrupt a shot and create a miss and who gets the board 80% of the time? Your team.
Although the crowd loves the block out-of-bounds, who gets the ball then?

Now quit worrying about a few blocks and get to work on speed, endurance, hustle and get all the garbage points you can. Ain't no 6-footer gonna get that ball, cuz It's Your's !


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