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Old Sat Dec 20, 2003, 02:45pm
tutall tutall is offline
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Posts: 11
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im a high school senior player and i ref rec league on saturdays and some weeknights. i have several questions about how you ref and would like opinions

at what point do you start to say to physical and how do you handle it. my point, when do you take players aside and tell them to cool it

what exactly are you looking for on the block/charge call. is feet everything, do prior events curb your decision etc. my point, if a team has been playing with excellent body control on D are you more apt to acll a charge

In the case of a blocked shot are you more likely to call a foul on the arm motion or the actual act of hitting the arm? my point, i am one of the better shot blockers in my part of the state. i get called on a TON of hacks becuause i swing at them not even hitting them but the refs see it coming and blow the whistle without seing anything.... i am not saying i never foul but i get called on a lot and the refs we have know i like to block shots... i average 4 a game

btw - this looks like an excellent site
oficial swat team member
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