Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by Cyber-Ref
What are the signals and mechanics for this violation?
Whistle, arm up, open hand. Perhaps point to the rim.
What would be a good vocal explanation in a gym full of parents who presumably know less about this that I?
I always say loudly, "Violation. No rim!" Doesn't seem as humiliating as it would if I yelled "Aiiiiiiiirrrrrrrr Baaaaaaaalllllll!"
I'd drive a long way to hear you do this! as long as it wasn't 7th grade girls, who would run crying to the lockerrooms before you had it all out. But then you don't do those games do you?
In terms of signaling, I've seen (and done) the unofficial signal of index finger pointing up and making a small circle two or three times. I think it's better communication than pointing to the rim, especially at the lower levels. I know it's not legal, though.