Originally posted by JRutledge
That is just crazy to me. We have assignors in this part of the state, but they only have one or two conferences.
Crazy to me too, but I have to work with what I've got. My assigner has 5 leagues -- four for boys and girls; one just girls. That's a lot of games. He "owns" this corner of Massachusetts. Because of his huge store of games, other assigners are not happy with him, because they know his feeling about guys who work for multiple people. One assigner, with one league, begged me for just one or two dates. He said if he got one date from every ref who worked for the first guy, he would be all set.
I recently have been approached by several refs who are urging me to go to other assigners, but I have been reluctant. I like the games I get. I especially like that they are close to work and close to home. And I get as many as five dates a week, with the majority of them sub-varisty double headers. This is my fourth year and it's worked OK for me. But I know plenty of guys who absolutely will not work for this assigner and others who swear by him.