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Old Wed Dec 17, 2003, 11:47pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Question Is this a regional thing?

Originally posted by BktBallRef

I don't think it's an issue as much as it is a courtesy. I work mainly for one supervisor. But if I book a game with a secondary supervisor, I call and close out with the primary as a courtesy. I would rather he not call me with an opening because I'm closed out, rather than calling me and me having to turn him down.

At least, that's why I do it.
I realize this is a regional difference, but would not an availability sheet cover this? Is there not a way to list what dates you are just not availible? I work for more than 2 assignors and the only issue with them is giving them your availability. They could care less who you work for. You might not be available for personal reasons, not whether you are working with someone else.

I was just curious, because I have heard guys say this before and wanted to understand why this was an issue.

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