Originally posted by BktBallRef
I was right! I was right! I was right!
Sorry, my wife says this all the time, so I never get to!
You still don't. You weren't right, but the rules committee liked your interpretation better than the actual one. The rule as written required a technical foul. The rules committee realized this, and decided it was too severe a penalty (like a T for swinging the elbows), so they
changed the rule (even tho they didn't announce it). This was not a clarification, like the "not taking the ball OOB before the throw-in" question. They actually had to change the penalty section of the rule in order to get the rule to say what they thought was more appropriate.
Honestly, I don't really care. But I really do believe that the old wording required the T. It was a fun discussion, tho.
[Edited by ChuckElias on Dec 16th, 2003 at 11:34 AM]