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Old Sun Dec 14, 2003, 10:30pm
WinterWillie WinterWillie is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 263
Originally posted by BktBallRef
Originally posted by WinterWillie
That happened to me years ago, forgive me if my memory
is fuzzy. I did report it to our commssioner (we have to pay these assignors a fee) who defended him.
Anyone who would defend that has to be a complete idiot.
Same assignor, different incident. He hands me a contract at an association meeting for a game the next day and demands me to sign it. I sign it and go to the game. When I get there the AD/Site administrator won't talk to me because he moved the game to another school. Our charter requires a game that is moved is given to the official holding the contract for refusal before giving it to another official or else the school pays the game fee to the official. My association told me to work it out with the assignor, the assignor wouldn't talk to me (never returned phone calls). I sent a copy of contract to school which they ignored. This happened at the end of the season. Next season, 25 games were cut from my normal schedule.
Nature bats last!
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