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Old Fri Dec 12, 2003, 04:48pm
JensWo JensWo is offline
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I have a little Rules-Question about a situation, we are dicussing with a lot of german umpires actually in our Umpire-Bboard.

R1, Count 3:2, less than 2 out.

1. we have a balk call followed by a pitch
2. Ball 4: BR --> 1st, R1 -->2nd [8.05 Penalty no reference to the balk any more)
3. Appeal at 1st base against BR is enforced because of BOT 6.07 (b) + (a)1

What's your Call?

Are we now having conflicting rules? What happens with R1?

What is your opinion? I couldn't find anything in J/R-Manual/ Evans - ABR/ Childress - BRD

Best christmas wishes from Germany

Jens Wolfhagen
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