I too worked with a rookie in his first two nights so I kind of know your pain. We called two Jh(7,8) games the first night and three(7,8,9) the next week. The games were interesting but watching his weariness about blowing a whistle or even makeing a good signal when his whistle did blow was a bit to handle. I know as a veteran, I get comfotible working with a partner who knows what he is doing and will call a the game acording to the manual without much pregame. Working with a rookie, we know we have to get what is in our area because things are going on in your area that we will need to deal with if you are not making calls. Don't get in a panic. Stick around and learn. Learn what to call and what not to. Get used to the view you get as an official. Then see the play and make the calls according to what is there. You may have actully got yourself in a situation where all the calls were in your partner's area. If that is true great. Deal with it and go on. Good luck and see you down the road.
In theory, practice and theory are the same, but in practice they are not.