Everyone do yourself a favor and the next time
you watch an NFL or D-1 college game on TV-- pay
close attention to the center---err--- snapper.
Technically almost all of them on most plays break the
rules on snapping. The defense is keying on other
cues from other players so that they seldom jump
across the neutral zone because the center pushes
the ball forward before snapping, or moves his head
up or down. If the umpire was a worshiper of the
golden cloth, he could probably toss it every other
play, especially on long snaps for the shotgun or punts.
Keep the flag in your pocket or waistband and let the
guys play ball ! Save it for the holds at the point of
attack, or the unsportsmanlike acts.
Just my humble opinion after 34 years of officiating.
Keep everything in front of you
and have fun out there !!