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Old Tue Dec 02, 2003, 08:42am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by zebracz
The other thing that I see quite often which has not been mentioned in this thread is when the dribbler pins the ball briefly against his/her hip, then releases it and continues to dribble. This is a double dribble. Am I right, Chuck?
Only if the ball comes to rest in the hands. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.

that was what my 1st Q was gonna be: I would have a carry, but it is a which is it?
What difference does it really make? Heck, I think even the FED gets it confused in one of the cases. In general, if the violation was for "moving the pivot foot in excess of prescribed limits while holding the ball", then call the travel. If it's for dribbling a second time, call the illegal dribble.

What about if a player bats the ball with the left hand, and then the right hand before it hits the floor? Isn't that illegal?
Yes, but I'm not sure you can prove it from the rules.

This is an illegal dribble. The only ONE prob I see w/ this one is --is the player dribbling or did hejust grab/receive the pass? I mean, he could be in-stride, catch the pass in his left and bring both hands together and it ends up in his right hand before he dribbles. Now, who's gonna call that if he's running full sprint (or a little less) down the court? lol Unless the bat is intentional, right? How about not a bat, but a pass? that would be illegal dribble, right? But then, what if he's not running, but, rather standing and he the grabs pass w/ his left, puts in right and then dribbles; OR if he grabs pass w/ left, and passes to his right hand, to then dribble? Nothing if he's running, right?

What about if he's walking..nothing? It prob'ly really is elligal dribbling but........ what do ya'll do?
As I read the play, I'd have nothing in either case. Catching the ball in the left hand and moving it to the right hand to start the dribble is nothing.

there can only be one "bat" per floor-bounce. Am I incorrect about this?
In general, that's true

Rainmkr, I don't know about this, becuz look at how Dennis Rodman rebounded (but we are talking NFHS, too, tho), but I agree w/ Elias & JR--the dribble hasn't ended. The body is fair game, even though it "Looks funny, something wrong, call it" like Larry says. It may seem you get in trouble for NOT calling the "look-funny" ones, but I believe this is part of what seperates "good" from "best" official--that is, knowing when NOT to call 'em.
"Tapping" the ball away from another player isn't the start of a dribble. There's a note to that effect in one of the relevant definitions.

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