Thread: closely guarded
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Old Mon Dec 01, 2003, 05:05pm
ChuckElias ChuckElias is offline
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Originally posted by Hawks Coach
The 6 feet rule is written by NF for HS players. The game is very different in 4th grade rec than in varsity HS. I am not clear why some are being so tight about the 6 feet rule.
Coach, again I let my narrow experience get in the way of a broader discussion. "In my area", closely guarded rules are completely disregarded below the 7th grade level. So in my head, I was thinking this discussion was about 7th/8th grade games, or freshman games where you get really small kids.

So, let me restate. I couldn't care less how you call the closely guarded rule in a 4th grade game. However, in any HS game, regardless of the skill level or size of the players, the 6 foot rule should be applied as strictly as possible.

And some of us are tight about it b/c we've had a really lousy day. Sorry.
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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