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Old Sat Nov 29, 2003, 07:06pm
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by rainmaker
She said, if it isn't a rubber band it isn't illegal, so I just ignore it now.
I would argue rather that unless it is "a headband no wider than 2 inches and made of nonabrasive, unadorned (except for logo/trademark, see 3-6) single-colored cloth, elastic, fiber, soft leather or rubber", it isn't legal. (FED 3-5, Exception 2). Maybe this pre-wrap stuff falls into one of the exceptions listed above, but there's a lot of stuff that's illegal, not just rubber bands.
"This Pre-Wrap Stuff"?? You don't know pre-wrap? It's the flexible foam stuff they put under tape when they do your ankle or wrist, so they don't pull off all the hair when the tape comes off. It's, non-abrasive, unadorned, single-colored, elastic, fiber.

I see your point, though, about not just rubber bands being illegal. In the particular conversation, those were the only two topics -- rubber and pre-wrap-- and we both knew we weren't talking about other things.
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