Clever, very clever but you did not address the question. The empire state building doesn't have anything to do with this either but the things I mention most definately have something to do with working as the L on the endline.
What you are referring to when you described getting angles on plays is just that, getting angles. You can say you don't want to get straight-lined or you want to see daylight between the players but "squaring up to the play?" I haven't heard that before. You still haven't mentioned the possibility of little Johnny getting mugged in the paint while you are trying to get across the lane and form a equalateral triangle with two players (I can be clever too). Who is going to watch that since you have to get over there, "square up", you partner recognizes this, and then your partner watches weakside. People, this happens pure and simple. We can try to exchange witty comments all day long but this happens. If this situation isn't part of the pregame it can be trouble. If the Lead crosses over and focuses on a area that has just become their primary there will be four eyes on the ball. Do you think squaring up will solve this?