Thread: E.T. Colvin
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Old Sat Nov 22, 2003, 10:57pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally posted by greymule
There were proposals to requires all players to require their PSAT/SAT scores or the team could not participate. So, personal choice and failure to provide such scores by any one player would ban participation by an entire team.

I don't pay attention to FP outside New Jersey, so I don't know what's behind these proposals. What does playing softball have to do with taking math and English aptitude tests?

It is kowtowing to the college coaches. This is part of the problem holding some tournaments is problematic. At the 18U & 18U Gold, there is so many resources spent on statistics, it draws from other aspects of the tournament. This was an effort to demand that much more information and comes from a sect that believes the sole purpose of softball is to attain a scholarship.

So, these folks were willing to DQ a team if a player chooses not to provide this information or if, and it does happen, a player doesn't take an SAT. To me, that is not the purpose of the game. And can you imagine the lawsuits when kids are denied the right to play because THEY are there for the game and not the scholarship?

The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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