Originally posted by bigwhistle
Did the ball obtain back court status? YES. Did Team B touch the ball before back court status was obtained? NO. Was Team A the first to touch the ball after it obtained back court status? YES.
Therefore, you have a back court violation.
I agree, but would suggest a 4-point "checklist" that I learned on this board long ago to look at BC situations:
1) A has team control
2) Ball attaints front court status
3) A is the last to touch the ball before it attains back court status
4) A is the first to touch the ball after it attains back court status
I remember this in abbreviated version as "control, FC, last touch, first touch."
Incidentally, the new A.R. 19 in Rull 9-11 of this year's NCAA book almost exactly matches the original poster's situation.