Thread: shoe polish
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Old Tue Nov 18, 2003, 03:13pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by johnSandlin
I wanted to inquire to all of you to ask what shoe polish do you use to shine your shoes with? I have used Leather Luster in the past on two different occassions, and I am not a fan anymore because of the stickiness it has to it even after it completely dries.

I am not a big fan of the polish honigs sells either, because it does not seem to the job and hold up quite as long. And I am not a big Kiwi fan either because that stuff seems to peel.

So, I am looking for a good High Gloss liquid shoe polish that will last a long time and I will not have to apply before every game and ruin the leather of the shoes.

Any suggestions?
If the Leather Lustre is sticky, that means you didn't properly prepare the shoes.

I'd guess that's true for the kiwi problem you're having as well -- or that you're applying it over something other than leather.

I forget the name of what I use, but it comes in a tub, is kind of a cream, you apply it with a sponge, no buffing needed.

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