Originally posted by rommel22
Two things.
First, RILAX, I'm not sure what you are interpreting here from the new offside rule with the failure to advance rule? If the team clearing the ball goes offside while they are still in their defensive half of the field, then the opposing team gets the ball right where it is (provided the ball is not in the attack box, then the ball is moved outside the box.) The only time the ball is moved to the center is if the team that goes offside is in their offensive half of the field. Then the ball is moved back to the mid-field line and given to the opposing team at that point.
The only thing I have been able to see about the rule changes are on NFHS web sight. They list the rule change as: 4-12-4 When the team in possession of the ball is offside, the ball is awarded to the opposing team at the center of the field. It does not discuses anything about the position of the ball when the team goes offsides. There might be different language in the actual rule book and/or case book examples saying that the ball can only be advanced (not moved back) to the center X but I have not seen them.