All effective January 1, 2004 unless otherwise noted.
Men's Major SP bases moved to 80' and fences "should" be 325' for championship
Approved double first base for all divisions of play (2005)
Mandate NOCSAE approved face mask/guard on all batting helmets used in all JO Fastpitch game (2005)
Approved the term "Flex" player to replace that of "DEFO"
Set HR limits for four levels of Senior SP with excess resulting in an out
Added the following concerning men's FP only:
J. Pushing off and dragging the pivot foot, or having the toes of the pivot foot in the downward direction, is required.
Added the following concerning 16" SP only:
When a batter intentionally hits a pitched ball that first strikes the ground or home plate to prevent the catcher from executing a pick-off attempt. Effect: Ball dead, and the batter called out.
Added to Rule 8.4:
G. All Men's Slow Pitch will be permitted to steal. (This does not apply to Master's and Senior Play)
Removed the words: "or not about to receive a thrown ball to read: "when a fielder not inpossession of the ball or not in the act of fielding a batted ball, impedes the progress of a runner or batter-runner that is legally running bases." IOW, the defender must have possession of the ball to legally block a runner's basepath. Any other action, or lack of, could constitute obstruction.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.