Originally posted by BktBallRef
Originally posted by rainmaker
I will call player control if the defender is moving back a little and still gets bumped, even if the bump is slight.
Is the defender really put at a disadvantage by this? I mean, if the bump is slight and the defender is already moving back, is this really a foul?
It may be better to force the defender to play a little defense in a sitch like this, especially since it sounds like there's no adv. or disadv. [/B]
I see your point,; I guess I figure if the defender is backing and the dribbler still gets her, The dribbler is past the limit. Also, I'm still working at the level of play, where defenders apologize for standing their ground. They are very sweet and sincere, and back down too much. I want to send the message that it's okay to not back down.