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Old Wed Nov 12, 2003, 02:30pm
Simbio Simbio is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 132
Thanks for everyone who responded. I had a few thoughts on some of the things that were said. I think that having good mechanics is essential in every sport. And I think that regardless the sport, good mechanics can help aid a lack of rule knowledge, at least to a point. Positioning is also a key in selling your call. If you're in the right place, your call (or no call for that matter) should be less questioned. I suppose the official to player ratio would be about the same in both sports. But, I also think that "judgement" is the same in both sports, with the only real difference is that you do get more time in football to think about a call before making a decision whereas in basketball you have to blow the whistle the second it happens, and know what you called. There is no "waving off" a whistle in basketball...LOL....I think when it comes down to it, there are more rules to football. Though I will admit, I never thought that traveling would take up so many pages in the rule books. I'll have to look at the basketball ones sometime. I think there are some similarities between officiating the two sports, but when all is said and down it is apples to oranges. I can't imagine what football would be like if it was as fast paced as basketball (maybe that's why I don't do it, I like to have the 25 second break in between plays that you don't get in basketball.) Thanks again to all that contributed. I have a deeper respect and a better understanding for what you basketball officials go through. Maybe I'll try it myself someday (for now I'll enjoy the offseason and watch it from my couch.) I've got other questions, but I'm going to start new topics for each one as they are all different. Feel free to respond to those as well. I appreciate all your input.

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